Our Facility

Active Learning

A place where each and every aspect of a child's personality is honed - like basic intelligence, motor skills, logical thinking, problem solving, observation power and so on. There is a daily session with the teacher who helps the child does puzzles, build blocks, learn from flash cards, use tools like the hammer set, buttoning and zipping the joker, etc.

Expert Teachers

Teaching is a dynamic process. A teacher caters all his students in the way they can understand the concept. Having spent more number of years in the school may not help in ensuring high quality teaching, but having the sensitivity to address teaching as a dynamic process from the cognitive point of view.


The collection of Books other than the school’s curriculum is an important source of knowledge to young minds. It develops the important habit of reading among the students.

Projector Room

This resource facilitates visual learning. Children relate to cartoons, movies and therefore have fun while they learn. The big visuals on the screen catch the child's attention helping the teachers to use it as a teaching tool for learning.


Playing in the sand can be a great opportunity for children to have unstructured play time. Whether shaped into castles, dug, dripped, sifted, or buried, sand can take many different forms, thus offering endless opportunities for fun and learning! We list some amazing benefits of sand play for your child.


As children love to play in water, Water play is more than just fun. It helps in cognitive development, vocabulary building and social skills. Our pool is well maintained and we take special care of the hygiene and safety of the kids.


Stage exposure enhances children's confidence levels. This feature is a great platform for children to develop life-skills such as leadership and freedom of expression. Stage exposure eliminates stage fright and further leads to social development as well, wherein they learn to work together and wait for their turn.


Covered with mirrors from three sides, the room is filled with balls of myriad colours. Children love to throw the balls at each other, lie down, jump and simply be themselves. It is also a teaching – learning playground where children learn about colours and shapes. Further, it also helps children develop gross motor skills.